Wildlife Watching

The crisp Engadin air always brings back a flood of memories. Growing up in Pontresina, nestled amidst the majestic peaks, wildlife watching in Val Roseg wasn't just a pastime, it was a privilege. I remember sneaking out before dawn, bundled in layers against the mountain chill, anticipation like lightning in my veins.

As the first rays of sunlight kissed the glaciers, we'd settle into a hidden spot, the wind whispering through the pines that made a quiet harmony with our own hushed breaths. Then a rustle in the undergrowth, a flash of auburn fur – a magnificent red deer stag, its antlers a crown against the rising sun. It was transcendental. A connection with nature that I carry with me to this day.


Now, as General Manager of the Grand Hotel Kronenhof, I'm thrilled to share this magic with our guests. I will personally accompany you on tours into Val Roseg, a hidden gem accessible only by horse-drawn carriage, bicycle or on foot. The journey itself is breathtaking, a precursor of what awaits. The valley transforms after dusk, yours to discover with our thermal imager. The inky blackness reveals a hidden world teeming with life. We might spot a stoic ibex perched precariously on a rocky outcrop, its silhouette stark against the starlit sky. A playful fox might emerge, its eyes glowing embers as it searches for its next meal. And of course, the red deer – their noble forms swift in the darkness, a silent testament to the enduring spirit of the wild.


These experiences are more than just sightseeing; they're a chance to reconnect with the great outdoors, to appreciate the delicate balance of this alpine ecosystem. It's a reminder of the simple joys I discovered as a child, a feeling I hope to evoke in every guest who joins us on this extraordinary adventure. So, I invite you to explore the magic of Val Roseg with me, and let the Engadin wilderness work its wonder on you, just as it did on a young boy all those years ago.




Contact our concierge team for further information or to book one of our accompanied activities.


T +41 81 830 32 14 or concierge@kronenhof.com