Ice-Creek Kneipping

The icy grip of the Ova da Roseg never fails to jolt me awake; a bracing reminder of youthful days spent exploring this hidden valley. Even as a boy, I instinctively gravitated towards the gushing stream, its brisk waters cascading down from the imposing Roseg glacier.

It was there I discovered the power of Kneipping – a practice that is now as synonymous with Pontresina as the scent of pine and crisp mountain air.


Dipping your toes into those frigid currents is like a shot of pure adrenaline. The shock quickly gives way to a surge of warmth, a tingling sensation that races through your body, leaving you feeling utterly revitalised. Stimulating circulation, strengthening your defenses. It's a holistic experience, a testament to the wisdom of Sebastian Kneipp. So powerful was the monk’s method, combining various hydrotherapy rituals with nutrition, balance, exercise and elements of reflexology, that it is said he cured his own tuberculosis.


That's why I'm so excited to share this cherished tradition with our guests at the Grand Hotel Kronenhof. Together, we'll follow the Ova da Roseg, a river that eventually joins with the majestic Flaz River that ebbs right in front of the hotel. A member of our expert spa team will be on hand to guide you through the Kneipp techniques, ensuring you can enjoy the full benefits of this natural therapy.


And of course, no alpine adventure is complete without a delightful picnic. We'll pack a basket overflowing with local treats, a perfect reward after your invigorating dip. So, come explore the magic of Ova da Roseg with me. Let the icy embrace of the stream work its wonder on you, just as it did for me many moons ago. It's a feeling I'm certain will stay with you long after your visit.

Contact our concierge team for further information or to book one of our accompanied activities.


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